Tuesday, September 16, 2008


1. When should I schedule a newborn session? The sooner the better! The younger the baby is, the more likely he is to sleep peacefully throughout the session, allowing us to mold him into various poses. Less than two weeks is best; ideally, the first week is even better. A limited number of sessions are photographed each week; to be guaranteed a session I recommend pre-scheduling your shoot even before baby has arrived. When should I schedule a maternity session? Around 35-38 weeks is recommended. Too early and you may not look pregnant, too late and you may be uncomfortable during the session.

2. How many proofs will we receive? Sessions will yield an average of 20 to 30 images, depending upon your baby's mood that day. Each photo is carefully edited; baby acne, scratches, and other blemishes are retouched, and other adjustments are made as necessary. Mini sessions (maternity) will yield approximately 10-15 proofs.

3. When will our photos be ready? Approximately one week after your session you will be sent a link to your own password protected online gallery from which to order. The gallery will remain live for 7 days. Visit as often as you like, and feel free to share your gallery with family and friends. After placing your order, you may expect your photos within two weeks.

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